Today was pretty weird, and being with Synecdoche, New York didn't help to make it less strange.
I couldn't relate myself to Synecdoch, though. It was like I was in another dimension, looking at the movie from a different universe. I could identify what it was saying, and the sense of it despite all the weird way of telling this story. And when I say it didn't make any sense to me, I go further than that weirdness. It was something more than that. I understand the thesis of art as a human way to avoid death, oblivion, as a way to live beyond the ordinary daily life... but in any moment of this movie I couldn't feel any of those feelings that were portraited before my eyes.
As I've said, it was a strange day. I wasn't feeling well, and so I decided not to eat anything. Only watermelon juice for me today. I begun to see the movie at about 1pm, I stopped in order to take a nap - a four long nap - and I went back to it after. At some point in the movie, there are a flashback from one of the first scenes in it, and I was chocked. It was a image from a long time ago, it seemed, from another life even. But actually I had seen it just a few hour before.
Not even the amazing Philip Seymour Hoffman was able to make sense to me in this movie. As I've also said, I couldn't relate to any aspect of this movie. It is smart like a PhD thesis. But is soulless too, in a story that intends to be a tale about the meaning of life.
An afterthought (I'm writing it in the day after): yesterday, two good friends that also love movies, told me how they admire this film. They gave me a lot of reasons, every one of them I could understand. What was inexplicable to me was my true aversion to this movie. And I was thinking about not being able to relate to it... and something came to my mind. Before the indiference, in the first scenes, I was actually angry with those characters, specially Adele and Maria. So, there are more layers here that I could see yesterday. But I'm not sure that I will go back to it so soon.
An afterthought (I'm writing it in the day after): yesterday, two good friends that also love movies, told me how they admire this film. They gave me a lot of reasons, every one of them I could understand. What was inexplicable to me was my true aversion to this movie. And I was thinking about not being able to relate to it... and something came to my mind. Before the indiference, in the first scenes, I was actually angry with those characters, specially Adele and Maria. So, there are more layers here that I could see yesterday. But I'm not sure that I will go back to it so soon.
Scrutinizing life through art... sometimes is wonderful and the only way... other times, is just too antiseptic. |
Synecdoche, New York. Directed and writen by Charlie Kaufman. With: Philip Seymour Hoffman, Samantha Morton, Michelle Williams, Catherine Keener. Us, 2008, 124 min., Dolby Digital/DTS, Color (DVD).
PS: Fragments: When Harry Met Sally (1989); Psi (2014), a brazilian TV show that really got my attention today.
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